Yellow Baby

xxxYou may have heard or even seen for himself a new born baby is yellow all over the skin and lining of the eye. Yellow color can be seen several hours to several days after birth. Appearance not infrequently invited asked, why the baby's skin yellowing of the baby while others do not? What causes it? Is there anything wrong? And probably many questions accompany the emergence of a yellow color on newborn skin.

Neonatal jaundice (yellow newborn) is the condition of the appearance of yellow color in the skin and lining of the eye in newborns because of bilirubin (bile pigment) in skin and cornea as a result of increased levels of bilirubin in the blood (hyperbilirubinemia).

Yellowish color of the newborn is sometimes a natural occurrence (fisologis), sometimes described a disease (pathological).
Yellowing of the baby's natural (physiological) or not because certain diseases can occur in 25% to 50% new-born baby is the month (of pregnancy is sufficient), and the percentage is higher in premature babies.

Called the natural (physiological) if the color yellow appears on the second or fourth day after birth, and gradually disappear (at most) after 10 to 14 hari.Ini occurs because of liver function has not been perfect (mature) for processing of red blood cells.
In addition, the laboratory examination of bilirubin levels (bile pigment) in the blood does not exceed the limits for hazardous (set).


There are some restrictions on the yellowish color of the newborn to assess the natural (physiological), or yellowish color associated with the disease (pathological), so that we more easily recognize it.

Broadly speaking, a new baby end of a yellowish limits because the process of natural (physiological) are as follows:

* The color yellow appears on the second day until the fourth day.
* In plain view, infants appear healthy
* Color yellow fade away after 10-14 days.
* Levels of bilirubin (bile pigment) in the blood of less than 12 mg%.

The yellowish color of the newborn that describes a disease (pathological), among others:

* The color yellow appears in infants before the age of 36 hours.
* Color fast spreading yellowish kesekujur baby's body.
* Color yellowish longer disappears, usually more than two weeks.
* Occasionally accompanied by skin pale (anemia).
* Levels of bilirubin (bile pigment) in the blood of more than 12 mg% in newborns and more than 10 mg% in preterm infants.

If there are signs like the one above (pathological), the baby is less active, for example, less breastfeeding, you should check immediately to the nearest doctor to get a check up and treatment.

In addition, several conditions that can be a risk to the baby, among others:

* Severe infections.
* The lack of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G 6 PD).
* Blood group incompatibility between mother and fetus
* Some genetic diseases (congenital disease or heredity).
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Healthy Life Patterns

Clean and Healthy Life PatternsClean and healthy life can be defined as living in an environment of cleanliness and hygiene standards as well as running the pattern / behavior of clean and healthy living. Healthy environment that can give effect to the quality of healthcare. Person's health would be good if the environment around him is also good.

Vice versa, a person's health will become worse if the environment around him less good. In the application of clean and healthy living can be started by creating a healthy environment. A healthy environment can be characterized by residence (home) and a healthy environment around the house
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Our Clean Neighbor

Our Clean NeighborOne of the most important needs of the health of the environment is the problem of clean water, garbage and sanitation, namely the need for clean water, waste produced daily by the community and the direct disposal of waste water which flowed in a channel / stream. This resulted in pandangkalan canal / river, clog the channel / river with garbage. At the time of the rainy season floods always occur and cause disease.

Some of diseases caused by poor sanitation and waste disposal and waste water which is less well are:

1. Diarrhea
2. Scarlet fever
3. Dysentery
4. Hepatitis A
5. Cholera
6. Tiphus
7th. Wormy
8. Malaria

Why should healthy CHAPTER?? Why toilets do we have to be healthy? This may have never thought of big sebaian our rural communities. from the above explanation is known diseases that can arise akaibat toilet bowel and unhealthy. latrine itself was the place of human waste collector who deliberately made to secure it, with the aim of:

1. Preventing the spread of direct materials that are harmful to humans due to human sewage.
2. Preventing the spread of disease vector for the user and the surrounding environment

Flies that landed kesling11.jpg disampah and surface waste water or sewer rat who entered into the sewage can carry a number of disease-causing germs. When a fly or a mouse is touching food or drinks will most likely people to swallow food and beverages will be suffering from one disease as mentioned above.

Similarly, small children playing or adults who work near or having direct contact with wastewater and solid waste can be exposed to diseases such as mentioned above, especially if it is not clear limbs first.

1. Waste water can be divided into two parts:
2. Water former derived from the tub or floor sink or appliances, floor laundry and bathroom
3. Sludge originating from the toilet or water closet (WC)

Septictank or a centralized waste water treatment unit is needed in order to treat wastewater before discharge kesuatu water body. In addition to preventing pollution, including disease-causing organisms, waste water treatment intended to reduce the burden of pollution or contaminants so that describe the quality standard requirements when discarded kesuatu receiving water bodies.

Rubbish and waste water containing various elements such as dissolved gases, dissolved solid substances, oils and fats as well as microorganisms. Microorganisms contained in waste and waste water can form decomposing organisms and cause disease. Handling waste and waste water which is less good, such as:

1. Waste water flowing into the open channel
2. Walls and bottom lines damaged by poorly maintained

Sewage and garbage into the canal which causes blockage and the emergence of a pool will accelerate the proliferation of microorganisms or disease-causing germs, insects and mammals disseminator of diseases such as flies and rats.

A body of water such as rivers or the sea has a capacity of a particular decomposition. When the waste water directly into the body is inserted just done a water without processing, then one day it may cause environmental pollution. Contamination takes place when the capacity of wastes contained in the water body exceeded so that the water body can no longer make the processing or decompose naturally. Such condition is called septic or contaminated condition characterized by:

1. Foul odor
2. Water color is dark and dense
3. Number of fish and other aquatic organisms are dead or float.
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Healthy Environment

Healthy EnvironmentTo assess the environmental situation and the measures taken to create a healthy environment has been selected four indicators, namely the percentage of families who have access to clean water, a healthy percentage of the home, families with basic sanitation facilities ownership, Public Places and Food Processing (TUPM).

Several attempts to minimize the risk of decline in environmental quality have been implemented by various agencies such as the construction of basic sanitation, monitoring and environment management, measurement and control of environmental quality.

Construction of basic sanitation for communities that are directly related to health problems including the provision of clean water, latrines healthy, healthy housing is usually handled across sectors. Meanwhile, the Tangerang District Health Office Supervisory activities undertaken include drinking water quality monitoring, monitoring of hospital sanitation, supervision and monitoring of sanitation in public places (hotels, Terminal), where food processing, pesticide treatment facilities and so forth.

In monitoring the implementation of environmental health programs can be seen by some environmental health indicators are as follows:

1. Net Water Use

For the year 2007 the number of families who checked who have access to clean water 72.35%. From the results of sanitary inspection officer at the health center use of clean water every family the most highest is +34.99% dug wells, hand pump wells tap +18.59 +31.86%.

2. Health House

For most people, home is a gathering place for all members of the family and spent most of his time, so that the health condition of the housing may act as a medium of disease transmission among family members or neighbors.

In the year 2007 has been conducted in 40 healthy home inspection center in kab.Tangerang region, from the houses, the sanitary inspection 560 426 68.34% otherwise healthy.

From existing data, the program of socialization of the community to build healthy homes need to continue to do so to prevent the development of disease vectors can be reduced, so too the causes of other diseases around the house.

3. Families With Basic Sanitation Facilities Ownership.

Families with ownership of basic sanitation facilities including water supply, latrine ownership of the family, trash and waste water management, this whole family is very important in improving environmental health.

4. Public Places and Food Processing (TUPM)

Food, including beverages, is a basic requirement and a major source for human life, but food that is not managed well it will be a very effective medium of disease transmission in the digestive tract (Food Borne Deseases). The occurrence of acute poisoning and the spread of disease which often leads to death many sourced from food derived from food processing (TPM) especially catering service, restaurant and snack foods that their management does not meet health requirements or environmental sanitation.
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